Jill Gardner | Tabor Opera House
Official website for American opera singer soprano Jill Gardner, including biography, engagements calendar, acclaim, repertoire, recordings, photo galleries, press kit, and contact information.
Jill Gardner, soprano, American, opera, tosca, puccini, lyric, singer, actor, singing actor, Jill Garner, Jill Gardener

Tabor Opera House

HIGH NOTES with Jill & Jake Gardner, with Andrew Bisantz

Posted by Julie in News, Tabor Opera House, Team Gardner

Tabor Opera House is pleased to announce the upcoming performance of HIGH NOTES: AN EVENING WITH OPERA STARS JILL & JAKE GARDNER, WITH ANDREW BISANTZ. Friday, July 5, 2019 7:30 PM 9:30 PM The Tabor Opera House Second of the four High Notes shows, our new Curated Series! Find details and a link to purchase tickets to this stellar event at the Tabor Opera House website…