Jill Gardner | Review: Lyric Vocals Wow in HOT’s ‘Daughter’
Official website for American opera singer soprano Jill Gardner, including biography, engagements calendar, acclaim, repertoire, recordings, photo galleries, press kit, and contact information.
Jill Gardner, soprano, American, opera, tosca, puccini, lyric, singer, actor, singing actor, Jill Garner, Jill Gardener
Daughter Of The Regiment

Review: Lyric Vocals Wow in HOT’s ‘Daughter’

Posted by Julie in Hawaii Opera Theatre, News, Team Gardner 11 Feb 2018

“Donizetti’s “Daughter of the Regiment” is a lighthearted entertainment featuring spectacular vocal displays held together by a slender plot.

…The most striking was a nonsinging role — quite unusual for opera — by Jill Gardner as the Duchess of Crackentorp, with her flamboyantly feathered headdress and operatic shrieks. At one point, the Duchess launches into singing one of Jill Gardner’s acclaimed roles (“Tosca”) and Hortensius has to correct her, “Wrong opera!”

Read the complete review by Ruth Bingham on the Star-Advertiser website…